With more than eight months free in my hand, I cant think of the number of books I could finish reading. Downloading, borrowing from library and buying books have now become quite a habit I can't let go. Even with the numerous book urging me to read them, I don't see how am I going to pass all these months without my college or any job. Visiting relative is not the option as all of them with an exception of me are busy. Their tight schedule, busy days appeals to me. I wish I could have one and when I put my thoughts to words in front of them, they disagree with me and tell me that the time I have now is the best time of the life I would miss once I am employed. Do they know how boring it is to sit idly at the same place everyday without anything new or fun. Everything is constant except the book i hold or the movie I watch. Neither informational nor educational, what I stay busy with is just entertaining myself.
Few days have been fun with my friends around but soon they will be busy with their own stuffs and I would be left behind to be bored to death. Soon will come the day when I have to pass them as they come, without fun without company except for my lovely books and the collection of those CDs.