Sunday, March 3, 2013

Love Story!

Its already more than five years, but with start of each day, it feels like it was just yesterday that the romance began. Well, not exactly a 'Romance' but a shy and a little 'yes' thing began. As clichéd as it may seem it was two college classmates getting together into a bond that neither of them had thought would last so long. With every passing day, for the last five years it seems like it all began just a day before.
A beep on cell phone alerting about an arrival of a message, no one would think could change your life forever. Quite uncommon and rare was the style and content of the message, which at first, was denied abruptly but later, got a hesitant positive response. The story that started with that particular message has, to date, written many more stories, anecdotes through more than thousands of messages. The shyness and hesitation converted into playfulness and determination and here we are, five years later, to stand together, never to give up on a relationship that neither of us thought would last this long.
It all began with that particular message which expressed the desire to be together in a relationship, share a bond, that neither parties involved knew, how long it would last.
The initial abrupt denial was later followed by a hesitant acceptance and then the story began that brought two lives together, through several ups and downs that only a Bollywood masala movie could have, the fun, playfulness, fights, debates, quarrel began to change the feelings making them deeper and stronger. The five year long period had many moments, events, situation, awkward, angry, lovely and magical, everything that has passed between the two of us comes clearly to the mind if I sit back and think about. The five years seems like five minutes and the forever could not even be enough, it seems, to love, to live, to fight, to care, to be there.
Along with each passing day, the feelings grow stronger, determined to live through all that comes our way, spend the rest of our lives together, that has not only become a wish but a goal of the life. The goal that does not make you forget your other dreams but let to live all of them and add up more to it. You dream of your future, not alone this time, you have someone to share it with, dream together with. The picture does not feature you alone but there stands, besides you, that particular person who taught you to dream big, who promised to stay by your side come what may, the one who, by all means, is only yours, to live, to dream with, to fight with and to cherish forever. Your's truly forever!


  1. Haha, it's interesting for me to go through all these details. Congratulations to both of you!! May you be together forever.
    By the way, I didn't like the title, too cliched and too general!

  2. Couldn't think about any other titles, just gave it the name that came to my mind.
