Sunday, February 28, 2010

Street children

I was on the way to HSEB when I saw a girl begging. Its not a new thing around here and I wasn't so much affected with it either. The thing that touched me was when the girl was scolded by her friends. I was looking out of the window. I saw a girl no more than 10 years was begging. She ran to her friends with such an enthusiasm that when the friends scolded her she was so upset, I felt bad for her. Her smile disappeared. I was so touched by this. I don't know what happened but it really affected me. I felt sorry for her. I found some data about the street children which I'll write next time. I don't have it now.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Ah!! I have no words to write. The country is going down instead of up. There is scarcity of everything, even drinking water, and our country is the second richest country in water resource. HA!! I feel like laughing at it. Everywhere I see only loss; loss of life, property and feeling of togetherness. Why is this happening this to US? OUR COUNTRY? Our beautiful, peaceful Nepal is turning VIOLENT, PLEASE HELP her. Lets save her. Save the environment, save our nationality, we are in DANGER, PLEASE do something. Don't just sit around and talk about it. Its time to ACT not TALK!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bow infront of no man

Every time an important person, Presidents, VPs and PMs visit Nepal or any other country then the national flag is placed on the pillars at different places. This is to show respect to the important people who visit out country or go out from here. I like the idea, too, but I think that while showing respect to the people, we forget our flag. Our flag is placed on the bent position,it seems as if it is bowing in front of the people, which is why I don't like the idea. The fault is not of the way it is placed but the way the pillars are designed. The top of the pillars are bent so this happens. However, I still think it is not a good idea to bow our flag, our identity and our proud, in front of others. I strongly believe and would like to apply Salman Rusdie's quote "Bow in front of no man" in this case. Our flag is our pride, why do we bow our pride in front of others???

Thursday, February 18, 2010

VIP visits

The VIPs of our country cause trouble wherever n whenever they travel in and out of the country. The President, when he visited India, did not disturbed the traffic, however, during is return the whole airport- Baneshwor area was disturbed. The people traveling during that time had to wait until the VIP passed and reached SAFELY to his destination.These are the people elected by the people,for the people to solve their problems and create an easy environment for them but all they cause is trouble. Why do they have to so many security guards that could guard more than 20 people, for one or two person? Is there so much threat to their life? I know the VIPs has to deal with death threats but it doesn't mean they have to walk with the whole battalion. Cant they just visit and return wherever they like without causing any hype and problems to the people? They are there to serve people not to trouble them but they usually end up doing the exact opposite.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Are we really safe?

The way media person Jamim Shah was killed on broad daylight highlights the threats to our life and make us wonder if we are really safe. The mystery killer was found out only after a week or so after his murder. The case made me think if the police who is responsible for our protection also gets involved in killing then how safe we really are? If it is so easy for the people to kill and run away then what are we going to do about our life. its so uncertain, everything is so uncertain in this country. The killing are increasing in the name of ransom, revenge and other reasons. The reason for Jamim's murder, however, has not came to light. It is a matter of serious concern for all the people. Why don't people just live and let live?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

7th feb

This is the worst day of my life. Early in the morning, I heard a bad news. Then I had a row with my friend. I had to walk all the way to Maitighar from Dillibazaar and I was, too, weak to walk. Hungry and thirsty when I reached my house, I found the door locked from the inside. I called out for my brother for a while when he didn't response, I tried calling my landlords - no response. I tried their number number still, no response. I did all I could but all in vain. I just sat in front of the door for a while and then finally when I came to know my brother was inside, I called him. He answered the phone and opened the door. I gave him a good piece of my mind. I was too tired for anything so I just drank a cup of water and fell on bed. As soon as I hit my pillow, I felt asleep. I nearly had two accidents (nearly god hit by taxis) while returning from my college. All in all, it was the worst day of my life.

Friday, February 5, 2010

First day in kirtipur

It was my first night out in Kirtipur. The place caught my breathe. It is just like a countryside - beautiful, peaceful and clean, everything just so wonderful. I was fascinated by its cleanliness more than anything else. Amidst the chaos and pollution of the Valley, it was a nice break. The place is really beautiful and a 'must-see'. I think everyone should take a break and go there once. It will be best to visit the place with friends. I went to visit my stranger-relatives, I had never met or heard about them. They didn't know I was coming but still the people were so warm and welcoming I was overwhelmed by their hospitality. The place and the people are both just wonderful.